Wednesday, November 24, 2010

Project 4 Report

Optimal driving routes for each territory using Network Analyst.

Project 4 Analysis

Managing sales territories and routes. The first week, sales territories were assigned to meet criteria. This week territories were chosen creating polygons of generally similar area and secondly following roads/highways as a guide to generate three similar territories. Each of the new alternates were heavily skewed in one territory and do not meet set criteria for balance.

Wednesday, November 10, 2010

Project 4 Prepare

Demographics of Napa County for Napa's Best sales prospects. Exploring patterns by looking at population distribution of households, prospective customers by restaurant and store, wine purchases by restaurant and store per census tract, and finally, wine purchases by household.

Monday, November 1, 2010

Project 3 Report

Report including a review of the market area for Better Books, competitive data analysis, identity of model store, and new site selection.Better Books Project Summary

Monday, October 25, 2010

Project3 Site Selection Analysis

Better Books site analysis map 1 shows the percentage of book club member sales at 60% in the inner polygon and 60-80% in the outer polygon; and distance in terms of travel time, 0-1 minute and 1-3 minutes. The second map shows available store sites. The Steiner location is the model store.

Tuesday, October 19, 2010

Project3 Better Books Market Analysis

San Francisco area Better Books locations, competitor store locations/volumes, club members, and demographics in preparation for analysis of site selection for a new store location.

Project2_Marin City & Marin City Center

Marin City neighborhoods and benefits of the Urban Tree Program. Marin City Center proposed site and analysis of energy usage and trees to offset at least half that anticipated usage. Tables and figures for the analysis are included in the maps.

Monday, October 4, 2010

Project2_Marin City analysis

Marin City land cover reclassified to identify tree coverage in order to estimate carbon storage capacity and sequestration potential of five target neighborhoods. This went much better than last weeks ML but somewhat difficult in overlap of ranges like dirt and roads having the same values.

Monday, September 27, 2010

Project2_Marin City metadata

Marin City metadata

Project2_Marin City Basemap

Basemap of Marin City, California. No problems with the mosaic tool but the Iso and Max took hours and numerous retries; can only hope the classification goes better than this!

Tuesday, September 7, 2010

Week1_Metadata links

Week 1 preparation for Bay Area study of air pollution and hospitalization rates. Metadata for tables with data for asthma related hospitalizations, monthly ozone and particulate matter readings for 2004.

Asthma Hospital Rates
Monthly Ozone
Monthly Particulate Matter

Tuesday, July 27, 2010

Week 5 Challenge

Raw LiDAR data converted to raster image and features of water, road, sand dune identified. I had to add XY data in tools a couple of times before data loaded, all else worked fine until the end trying to save my map. That didn't work but I did get the jpg image, yea!

Monday, July 12, 2010

Week 3 Orthorectification

Orthorectification of Pensacola

Orthorectification of Pensacola. Points georeferenced and data projected. UTM 16 North; RGB 3, 2, 1.

Wednesday, July 7, 2010

Module 2 Spectral Bands

Identify features visually and by examining histograms. The first map is a deep water feature: Landsat4 TM - 6; Red 3, Green 2, Blue 1; layer 4 spike between 12 & 18. Map 2 is a glacial feature: Landsat5 TM - 6; Red 4, Green 3, Blue 2; layers 5 & 6 spike at 9-11. Map 3 is a shallow water feature/low absorbance; Landsat5 TM - 6; Red 3, Green 2, Blue 1; True colors.

Deep Water Feature

Glacial Feature

Shallow Water