Tuesday, July 27, 2010

Week 5 Challenge

Raw LiDAR data converted to raster image and features of water, road, sand dune identified. I had to add XY data in tools a couple of times before data loaded, all else worked fine until the end trying to save my map. That didn't work but I did get the jpg image, yea!

Monday, July 12, 2010

Week 3 Orthorectification

Orthorectification of Pensacola

Orthorectification of Pensacola. Points georeferenced and data projected. UTM 16 North; RGB 3, 2, 1.

Wednesday, July 7, 2010

Module 2 Spectral Bands

Identify features visually and by examining histograms. The first map is a deep water feature: Landsat4 TM - 6; Red 3, Green 2, Blue 1; layer 4 spike between 12 & 18. Map 2 is a glacial feature: Landsat5 TM - 6; Red 4, Green 3, Blue 2; layers 5 & 6 spike at 9-11. Map 3 is a shallow water feature/low absorbance; Landsat5 TM - 6; Red 3, Green 2, Blue 1; True colors.

Deep Water Feature

Glacial Feature

Shallow Water